Can You Externally Express a Cata Anal Glands?

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A cat'southward pea-sized anal glands are located below the anus, at about the iv o'clock and viii o'clock positions. They release a cat's distinct scent whenever the true cat defecates, along with clear, oily secretions that range in color from xanthous to brown. These secretions are normal (though they serve no purpose for domesticated cats), but cats with overly active anal glands tin can release a particularly malodorous aroma and develop impactions and infections. If you remember you may need to limited your cat's anal glands, talk to a veterinary first.


  1. ane

    Gather your materials. Y'all'll need a pair of clean surgical or examination gloves, gauze pads, clean water, and, if your true cat is hairy, a clipper. You lot'll too desire someone to assistance concord the cat still while you work.

  2. two

    Position the cat. Have a partner or assistant hold the cat still, facing away from you.


  3. iii

    Trim the perineal surface area. If your true cat is hairy, yous may need to trim the pilus around the anus before you can proceed.

  4. iv

    Locate the gland openings. Pull the true cat's tail gently upwardly to notice the anus. Look for the gland openings, which should be located but beneath and to the sides of the anus.

  5. 5

    Wipe away stale secretions. If the anus and gland openings are crusted with dried secretions, rinse with water and and so gently wipe away the softened crusts.

    • In some cases, you may not be able to wipe abroad the softened crusts very easily. If this happens, attempt putting a warm compress in the anus for five or ten minutes to soften clogged openings.
  6. 6

    Pinch the anal glands gently. Using your gloved hand, pinch the two anal glands under the anus, using your forefinger and thumb. Gently push upward, increasing your pressure level until the glands pop and release excess secretions.

    • You will probable notice a distinct odor once the glands release their secretions. This is a sign that you take succeeded in your task.
    • If there is blood or pus in the belch, your cat'south anal glands are probably infected. You'll need to contact a veterinarian every bit shortly equally possible.
  7. 7

    Wipe the surface area. Using a damp piece of gauze, wipe the anus and the surrounding area clean.


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    My true cat's anus looks empty every bit if the hole isn't endmost properly. Is this normal?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over xxx years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


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  • Talk to a veterinarian before trying to express your cat'south anal glands yourself.

  • Obese cats may demand to have their anal glands expressed more often. This is because obese cats tend not to defecate regularly, and defecation is how the glands are expressed naturally.

  • Mixing a fiber supplement into the true cat's food can aid it express its anal glands on its own. Practice non practice this without vet advice if your true cat has serious constipation.

  • If the anal glands are ruptured and encarmine, endeavour to stop the cat licking them excessively, and contact a vet immediately. Most cases can be treated with antibiotics, just severe or recurring cases may upshot in a recommendation of surgery.


  • If y'all discover blood or pus in the discharge, or if your cat's anal glands are very swollen or painful to the touch on, don't try to treat the trouble yourself: let the veterinarian handle it. These symptoms indicate to impaction and infection.


Things You'll Need

  • A pair of clean surgical or examination gloves
  • Gauze pads
  • Clean water
  • A clipper (if your cat is hairy)

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