Hope to Get to Know You More

Photo by Ruvim Noga on Unsplash

154 Questions To Enquire If You Want to Get To Know Thyself (and Others)

For whenever you're gear up to move past "How Are You?"

The Big List of Questions

  1. If you had an unlimited supply of anything, what would it be? What would you do with it?
  2. What's something you could talk about for hours, but never get to since no one always asks?
  3. What is something you're weirdly adept at without having had formal training or much do?
  4. What were the showtime 3 albums you owned?
  5. What was the kickoff movie you saw in a picture palace?
  6. What dessert did you always ask for on your birthday when you were a kid?
  7. What funky traditions did your family unit accept when yous were growing up?
  8. What was the best gift you ever received?
  9. What was the best gift you ever gave?
  10. If you could be anywhere right at present, where would yous desire to exist?
  11. If you were to create a recipe meant to represent you, what would be the ingredients?
  12. Did y'all recollect you'd end upwardly where you are now? Why or why not?
  13. To appointment, what'due south been the biggest thing that's surprised you almost your life?
  14. Would you rather spend an evening lonely or out with friends?
  15. Have you ever gone to a picture theater past yourself? Did you like it?
  16. How often do you think of the by?
  17. What's a mundane memory you'll never forget— even though it doesn't hold much importance in your life today?
  18. Is there a moment in your life that you wish you could practise-over? If yes, what is information technology and what would yous alter?
  19. Do yous believe in heaven or the afterlife? If aye, what does it wait like to you?
  20. How many people practise you consider your true friends?
  21. Who is someone special in your life that might not know how special they are in your life?
  22. What'southward your biggest pet peeve about other people?
  23. What's your biggest pet peeve about yourself?
  24. What percentage of the day do yous feel like your true cocky?
  25. Who was your childhood crush? Whatever happened to them?
  26. When you were a child, what did you recollect you would practice when you grew up? How close were y'all?
  27. Do yous have a sweetness tooth or a salty tooth?
  28. What was the all-time meal you ever ate?
  29. What's your favorite meal now?
  30. What's your to the lowest degree favorite food?
  31. How oft do y'all speak what'southward going on in your mind?
  32. When were you lot the virtually scared in your life? What happened?
  33. Would you ever want to know the time and date of when yous were going to dice? Why or why not?
  34. Do y'all believe in ghosts?
  35. What's a band you lot unabashedly love, even if they aren't necessarily known for being cool?
  36. What vocal(due south) exercise you lot want to be played at your funeral?
  37. 50 years in the future, someone discovers a digital time capsule that includes a Spotify playlist chosen "The Essence of (Your Offset Proper name) (Your Concluding Proper noun)." What's the song list?
  38. What would you practice for your friends or family unit if coin was no issue?
  39. What fun fact practice you share when asked for a fun fact?
  40. What joke do y'all share when asked for a joke?
  41. What was a seemingly small determination that ended up dramatically changing the form of your life?
  42. All insecurities and doubts bated, what's something y'all genuinely like well-nigh yourself?
  43. How did you become a better friend?
  44. How did yous get a improve family member?
  45. How did yous get a better partner?
  46. What made you a improve human?
  47. What's your favorite personal possession that means absolutely nothing to anyone else?
  48. Who is your favorite literary character from a book, flick, or Boob tube prove and why?
  49. Who is your least favorite literary character from a book, movie, or TV testify and why?
  50. What's a food you dearest in one class, but loathe in some other?
  51. Based on your concrete features, who would be your celebrity parents?
  52. What "kid word" do y'all yet use unironically as an developed?
  53. What vocal always makes you experience better?
  54. What were y'all similar as a little kid?
  55. What were you like as a teenager?
  56. At what age do you call back you really commencement to come into your ain?
  57. How would you finish the sentence: "I wish I could…"?
  58. What'southward a random factoid you learned in school that you'll never forget?
  59. What'due south your best way to turn effectually an atrocious mood?
  60. What'due south the best way to bargain with feeling envious of someone?
  61. Yous're planning your perfect political party. What's the theme, who's there, what are you eating and drinking, and why is it and so uniquely perfect for you?
  62. What'due south the very best smell in the whole entire globe?
  63. You're about to get on stage to perform at a talent show. There'south a 100% guarantee that no 1 volition approximate you lot negatively so yous don't take to worry near embarrassing yourself. What talent practise you showcase?
  64. What'due south something you wished you started doing earlier in your life?
  65. What's something you wished y'all stopped doing earlier in your life?
  66. What small modify to your concrete advent made you lot look similar a totally new person?
  67. What would be your rockstar name?
  68. What would exist your superhero name?
  69. What are the most of import traits you wait for in other people?
  70. Can someone ever be truly 100% evil?
  71. What'south a guilty pleasure you take that you've never really told someone else nearly?
  72. Who is your celebrity crush?
  73. Where can you ordinarily found at a party?
  74. How many cookies tin y'all eat in a single sitting?
  75. Do you usually take people's recommendations? Why or why not?
  76. How do yous commonly prove someone you love them?
  77. Who do you miss the most correct at present?
  78. If money and prestige were of no importance, what would your career look like?
  79. If you were an animal, what animal would y'all be?
  80. If you had to selection between a bagel and a donut, which one would you choose?
  81. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?
  82. Would you e'er want to exist famous? Why or why not?
  83. Do you lot have a secret hunch nearly how you lot will die?
  84. If you could change anything nigh the fashion you were raised, what would it be?
  85. What'southward something that took you a really long time to learn?
  86. Did yous accept a pet when you were growing upwardly? If yes, what was its name and what was information technology like? If no, did you ever want one?
  87. If you could wake upwards tomorrow having gained i quality or ability, what would it be?
  88. If a crystal brawl could tell you the truth virtually yourself, your life, the time to come or annihilation else, what would you want to know?
  89. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
  90. If you knew that in one twelvemonth you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the manner y'all are now living? Why?
  91. When did you lot terminal cry in front of another person? Past yourself?
  92. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you lot most regret not having told someone? Why haven't y'all told them yet?
  93. Your business firm, containing everything you ain, catches fire. Later on saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely brand a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
  94. Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares for a year if you would be rewarded with boggling wealth?
  95. What take chances would you take if yous knew y'all wouldn't fail?
  96. What is your greatest strength? Have any of your recent actions demonstrated this force?
  97. What are your top three most prized possessions?
  98. What one piece of advice would y'all requite to your younger self?
  99. Exercise any of the things that used to upset you a few years agone matter at all today?
  100. What'due south a life pro tip that someone gave you that y'all'll never forget?
  101. What life lessons did you learn to difficult way?
  102. Are you lot a big worrier?
  103. If you had ane twelvemonth left to alive, what would y'all do with it?
  104. Are you afraid of beingness your truthful self effectually others? Why?
  105. Have you done annihilation you are proud of lately?
  106. Have you shown whatsoever recent acts of kindness?
  107. If you knew that yous would die tomorrow, what questions would you ask yourself?
  108. What are three words y'all would apply to depict yourself?
  109. What are three words a friend would employ to describe you?
  110. What are 3 words a partner would use to describe you?
  111. What are three words a coworker would use to describe you lot?
  112. What do people often misunderstand nigh you?
  113. Do you tend to have people'south advice?
  114. Do you get quickly offended?
  115. Would you ever give up your life to save another?
  116. If you could live i day over and over once more, what would you choose to do?
  117. How would the world be different if yous had never been built-in?
  118. If your life was a movie, what would the title be?
  119. If your life was a moving picture, what genre would information technology be?
  120. If you could snap your fingers and get a totally different person, would you do it?
  121. Who practise you await up to most and why?
  122. Do the people you love most know how much yous dearest them?
  123. What'southward something yous learned yesterday?
  124. What do you similar virtually yourself?
  125. Practice you really listen when people talk to you?
  126. What is the number one change you lot need to make in your life this year?
  127. What are your nigh mutual negative thoughts? Are they logical?
  128. Do you think information technology'southward likewise late to practice sure things in your life? Why or why not?
  129. If you could modify anything in the world — big or modest — what would you change?
  130. What makes life easier?
  131. If you had a cloak-and-dagger bookcase door to a room in your house — what would be on the other side?
  132. If you could ship a bulletin to the world, what would y'all say in thirty seconds?
  133. What's something yous regret telling someone
  134. What'south something y'all regret not telling someone?
  135. When was the last time you tried something new?
  136. Are you afraid to speak your own opinion?
  137. What is one mistake that you will never make again?
  138. What's something important to you that you lot've given upwardly on? How do you feel about it?
  139. What were you doing the last fourth dimension you lost track of time?
  140. How one-time would yous exist if you didn't know how sometime y'all are?
  141. When did you concluding laugh then much it hurt?
  142. Should movies exist remade? Why or why not?
  143. What is one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?
  144. If aliens abducted y'all one twenty-four hour period and said you could choose an entirely new identity for yourself, what name and personality would y'all give yourself?
  145. What'due south your favorite white potato chip flavor?
  146. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
  147. What's your favorite cereal?
  148. What is one thing you lot pass up to share with anyone?
  149. What always makes y'all feel more confident?
  150. What'southward the best concert y'all've ever been to?
  151. What is the nicest matter someone else has done for you?
  152. What'south the best compliment you've ever received?
  153. What does an admittedly perfect day look like to yous?
  154. And then what do you reckon — does life get ameliorate as you get older?
  • Selection the Brain
  • Buzzle
  • Psychology Today
  • Friends, family unit and strangers :)


Source: https://medium.com/@claire_murdough/154-questions-to-ask-if-you-want-to-get-to-know-thyself-and-others-b18652551a18

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